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Friday, November 13, 2015

when we are 11/13/15

when we are luscious,
that as blooms, we are together smacking.
as dyes, we are of two diverse and distinct colors
producing an intermingling of luminosity.
as words, we are only in the thoughtform stage,
exchanged without vocals or lip service bother.
as mountains, who historically stood shoulder to shoulder,
now we are of one field, filling in that gap with body heat.

when we are succulent,
gravity has a skin to skin magnetic and thus griping force.
bodily fluids are gathering in specific locations.
ripening has reached a stage of ripeness.
movements towards each other seem consuming.
smooth takes on a means of refinement.
fluidity, even in stillness, is eventfully evident.
blossom is now a shared auric state of being.

when we are scrumptious,
evocative starts to take form in the mind.
touch has a muted sizzling to it.
the face of the other is a comprehending horizon.
contours of the body and head are completely inviting.
rhythmic complacent time is either snappy or nonexistent.
the landscape of the other is a worthy climb.
wide soft eyes are only looking for hands-on invitations.

when we are mouth-watering,
the pace of being together has slowed to the moment.
superlatives, in anticipation, have come and gone.
it has rained before, where now it pours.
all rivers of separate self, lead us to the same ocean.
one expectant empty thought, pervades all thinking.
whale mouths surface, opened skyward, for the krill of it all.
sizzle in waiting, has produced a taste for juicy suspense.

when we are lip-smacking,
is back from ‘the beyond’ of the rejoice in it.
action is serving the main course in colossals of movement.
the audience of self is currently a phenom on stage.
what had surface-to-surface, now has ignited to glow,
emotional tattoos presently have an animation occurring.
all of life in consort-surround is ensuing.
eager anticipation has met its compliment.

when we are,
a oneness is happening . . .

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