Our God is the luminescent wallpaper
we place in all of our rational rooms.
With the indirect viewing of that wallpaper,
and God’s help, we plan to see the forever.
This wallpaper is of itself
made of our conclusionary fabric.
The gaze we put forth in this way
is the aptitude of our attention.
The Religions we form
are in the shapes of architectural digest
that structurally serve us
in these times as the times of our needs.
Our rational minds fully provide for this structure
by rituals and order in acclaimed and sacred ways.
The Spirit of this God is an everlasting presence
beyond the fineness of the wall-print itself.
Creation by these means and measures
is our clutching at performance
revisited as God experience views.
A notionless God is all of existence.
And what we claim, as realism
is a mildly superficial but endearingly God.
We seem to presume towards spectating
on the works and experiential presence of God
rather than immersion within and of that God.
Our mindfulness is as if a stance separate from God.
In this warehouse of reverence and revered particulars,
God becomes our point of view.
We plead with the God of our own making.
We wrap our own seeking in an absence from,
in order to have this blessed augmentation
as new beginnings featuring this God of our recognition.
If I use the name of God,
than I am reverently claiming my distance there from.
The experience of God is then a form of reductionism,
a reflection from the hand-mirror of identification,
a means of beneficent denial of God-essence.
God realization has everything, as nothing to gain.
This God of no experience has no location
in spite of our reverent regard,
as an absence into the God-presence.
There is no love to gain or to loose
in this manner from a God of ever-presence.
Light, visible light, as we see it
is the slowest version of our God-feel,
traveling bountifully fast
as in standing stillpoint serenely ever so still . . .
We are that light in and of ourselves
that we cannot see clear enough
to straightforwardly surrender
and radiantly be the broadcast in the honoring . . .
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