You love yourself through me.
And then you share that love with others outgoing.
I was the inadvertent connectivity
but you generated the radiant light.
However I plugged into your internal motherboard,
it was purely innocence into happenstance,
invisible circuits to circuits in accidental harmony,
those go-betweens that set off the sparks,
that light the source,
that blazes beyond self-boundaries.
I bask in that light,
to be unwittingly basking back.
To be in the lightning of beings,
that flashes beyond its timidity of intentional purpose,
lighting dimensions, freelancing
past what is known to be revealed,
igniting a purity of soul quality,
set forth without shadows.
It is a phantasmagorical crazy,
beyond the edginess of crazy,
beyond the incongruous bizarrely crazy.
It is that birthright, inexplicable,
this uncanny incomprehensible.
Yes, the unfathomable truth
that we almost inadvertently call
crazy crazy love . . .
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