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Friday, May 15, 2015

Early Morning Yawn 5/15/15

Recognition, my usual wake-up mate, melts before me                             
like ice cream held for another. 
I am clear-headed but un-connecting. 
Suddenly, an extraordinary early morning yawn 
stretches across dreamtime canyons to an awakening me. 
The resulting shiver spends itself enkindling an introspective blaze 
where my breath plays across the reed of me 
and attention becomes my living skin, 
where cells surrender their wholeness 
and from the background of barren bones' harmony, 
tonal songs engorge me. 
Meaning fills me like sandbags stacked against an oncoming flood. 
Where my eyes would ingest articulate sight, 
they flounder against an outgoing current. 
Sound swims behind the surge within me 
displaying octaves as the girders of life's chemistry.                               
The hair on my body, as my recent history, stands apart                          
like nervous deer waiting for the tremors to end.  
I have leaned against the pillar of belief and accidentally fallen through. 
My experience somehow separates from me                                     
stalking consciousness as a carnivore. 
My mind is a free-for-all, 
dining on the sweet mobius of involuntary joy. 
I feel the work of my faint smile 
is eradicating every stain of self-judgment. 
Sizzling bliss, as an etheric lava, fluidly immolates my remains. 
With this early morning yawn, 
time slow melts out onto this liquid plate of surrender 
stately pacing imploding frames of self-animation. 
Forever, I put my focus through the still of this river 
that transforms my chemistry, drowns my words . . .

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