I can tickle myself anywhere on me
without moving a limb.
It is both soothing and joyous to share
from there, with anyone nearby.
I can wide-eyed gaze upon you close up
during a series of my near death sneezes
and feel our connectedness continue uninterrupted.
I can reign a subtle series of electrically charged
aurically broadcast organisms down upon your field
without any apparent physical manipulation
or shared interactional causes.
All of these as options, exists only as results.
The constant state of being for all of us
resides beyond demonstration,
beyond physical delivery systems to represent us.
We are all whole beyond any means.
The invitation is, as always, there,
but we find it a difficult passage
up the mountain of our own beings
to realize that the mountain evocatively breathes us
while we journey as travelers, gravity burdened
subject/object restrained,
in an effort, fully to reach a pinnacle of self sensed
only to vastly but falsely survey the surround
with still the need to feel the oneness
with everything we claim as so separate
yet the invitation is always there
and deeply, soul inviting . . .
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