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Monday, September 9, 2013

the notice of stillness * 9/9/13

How to come upon stillness
with less than stillness to start!
How to bring on eruption
and yet simultaneously, search quiet.
Does the movement of thought
have a quality of loudness?
Are all mind-wardrobes often louder
than the skin we’re each in?
Taking mental interest in something, anything,
is distracting in a deeper sense of awareness.
How to arrive at stillness without effort, 
without the monument of intent.
Is it to come without frame, without grip,
without approaching
from separate from it to it?
Who of us would ask for a how (?)
and not be consigned to linearity and separatism 
as our original form of asking?
How to have stillness, be of stillness,
and not be burdened with the arrival
of the experience of lumbering stillness!
Is any sensory input rude to the core of being?
Does knowing have any natural attributes
that are not destroyed by the conscious possession 
of them in the mind?
Can stillness actually be
an ‘isness of motion and being’?
Can we function below our awareness capacity
and in being so, are we are truly living beside
or outside ourselves, with very minimal access
to consciously incorporate within?
How do we hurl our true spiritual aliveness 
from a sourcefulness within 
yet through the morass of self 
we generally generate to give ourselves 
an experience of being?
With our minds that particularize 
and stand in identy positions, 
immersion and oneness only have conceptual rank, 
with no real application as obvious or eventual.
Our words could not be more of a lobby’s sway 
away from what we would want
to intend and we yearn for directly.
But even intend and yearn 
have their application limitations for the baggage
they would bring on this stillness journey.
The now of this, has no future to arrive (!),
not even a this of this (!),
no casual method of arrival!
This is a construct without essential source.
The notice of stillness does not really exist.
Stillness is just a concept itself.
It is a concept on the rebound, if you will,
from the comparative truth business
of a consciousness we call, the fill of our lives.
There maybe a ‘still-isness’, 
but not bound to recognition as a possibility, 
in our mindfill tradition of naming and claiming.
There is a quantum existence within each of us
but it does not report
or have report method or characteristics.
We are a pride of bystanders
yet of it, to it and in it.
Our illusion is made up of it
but not accessible for us to turn on it
and make it claims!
The naming of stillness
is an earnest koan of our choice.
But then choice, as we have it,
is just a mind game of our own making . . .

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