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Sunday, November 29, 2009


I am not truly alive

unless you are aliveness

for within yourself also.

The dance runs deeper

then wearage reveals.

Shoes can recount the footwork

but not about the body possessed.

Knowingness comes

whither forced or conceded

whither intended or held back

as receptacles of blessedness.

By the drum, the crucible,

the staff, or the light,

they all play as emphasis

for the way dull gives way

to sharpened.

The universe kisses you up

unbridled from memory’s spurs

digging in with intention

yet to rise up above the ride.

How glorious this is

for all cells to be churned

as preciously each cell matures

in gratefulness

as presence’s bloom.

Whatever the polarities,

they will bless us along the way.

Whatever the contradictions,

they will lead us

in discovery’s direction.

Whatever the paradoxes,

they will petal a path

of sacredness.

I share your delight

not knowing any particulars.

I want your light

to be resounding

dancing on this planet,

for as you are to me,

honors us

in spite of pretenses that abound.

There is no silence

between any of us

that does not breathe

into bending the light.

All that thus appears

offers stillness that leads us on.

Soon, it is a movie of now

without passage.

I find sacred

whatever now looks like

even as unclear feelings

ask to be understood.

I only have to continue to dance

and give way to this voiced reply;

“emotion precedes experience”.

I am to honor that

as truth in every moment

springs forth

and trust will lead me

as it has lead me to

and through you.

You, as being,

have been a provider

I cannot repay,

gifting me with worth

beyond measure.

My compliment to you,

is to live it alive

as I trust in us.

For we are not a force

of light forging feats.

The universe will bend

and twist us its way

and wring the darkness

out of us.

I accept what that will be.

I know home awaits

within every notion of now.

Grateful is of itself

the simplest as deeds.

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