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Friday, July 10, 2009

Skin on the butt

the relative merits

of being skin on a butt

hey if you’ve got

a skin kind of life

much like any success

of your endeavoring

it is based on? . . . location


if we take for example

a sampling

of what is possible

across the skin spectrum

say . . . twenty patch locations

from all over the human body

not just neighborhoods

but precise locations

what are we getting

by what we value?


oh sure

the initial impulsive leap is easily genital

but too much rock star status existence

areolas?   gender biases, overly sensitive

and too much visual paparazzi around

look     anything facial is over indulged

and surely nothing like arm pit

or between the toes

yes     there are those eyelid and lip freaks

possibly earlobe or deep in the scalp

and maybe an occasional forehead or chin


but look . . . let us think this out

over the long haul      kind of think this out . . .

minimal variance, simplest of life styles

most protection from sun and other elements

best seclusion, guaranteed care

least amount of interaction or distraction

like a good . . . Zen!

. . . I am voting butt!


There are some choice locations

in the general vicinity

with the avoidance of the obvious of course

nearest to the elephant in the room

this all works well under the

“what have you done for me lately” appraisal

worst case scenario . . . what are the odds?

not likely to be on a stripper

almost excessively warm and comfy

in your wildest . . . for these days    

a possible infusion of tattoo

bum luck for inoculations and the like

butt . . .  seriously

you are doing your overall thankless job

and life is good

least amount of topical chemical intervention

most amount of up close privacy

weight as pressure and cover as closeness

become your live-with friends

high degree of snuggle intimacy

no news is good news . . . first hand

all pats are unanticipated

and reporting-in is so relatively easy

snug as a bug is your mantra

maybe there are or were punitive parents

who took their shot at provoking damage

and made you into a scapegoat informer

but really      like I said early on

the relative merits

over a long period of time

with aging . . .

sometimes a plethora of choices locations

my vote:     skin on the butt . . .

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