as if meaning was the ever so
of personalized adulation and applause.
meaning, as if it comes from audience
to bathe me
in so much the specifics of ways.
that I have given meaning
the enterprise of loving me
by some sense of understanding as intimacy.
this inner dialogue,
as if the French-kiss of the inner mind
where truth be told
without the exterior of rules to follow.
meaning, as if the most undeniable friend,
such that it is of love expressed.
we have a language base like no other.
meaning reads me the story of my being
beyond my memory’s ability to embrace.
the trust is resolute as if to keep me as mine.
meaning, not the origin I come from,
but the seer of the landscape delivering me,
giving it tone and texture in mindful ways.
for without meaning,
how do I stand to the breeze,
as vacant, beyond, beneath and behind?
what that gravity insists,
mass demands, and sensory escorts?
baffled not to call it circumstance.
all this is on going,
but now is not telling me.
for the whispering has turned to pine.
yearn is now the resolute of void.
happening continues without interpretation’s tongue.
essence is without explanation’s expletives.
I drown into every single breath
to live beyond meaning’s grasp,
where enormity is of everything
without any sense of place or containment.
oneness is embrace,
as if emersion is finally a meaningless sea . . .