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Thursday, August 31, 2017

capitalism, gone wild 8/31/17

capitalism is now a form of self-enabling,
deep into the psychology of self outplaying another self.
there is nothing amenable or amicable involved.
all is muted and strategic below the apparent reality horizon.
profit is distilled as psychological benefits gained.
every product is the result of personal think-tank efforts.
utility or esthetics are the assumed flashy drivers
yet always looking for leverage over the consumed.
price is ever based upon need, not really about cost
and that is called fair exchange into insulated selfdom.
customers are ever the exploration journey into debt.
there is a partisanship in play as a way of thinking,
sidedness armed with cynicism and outright distrust.
naivety thrives on every novel twist and futuristic turn.
presentation styles are always looking for new pitches.
there is never equal or level ground to be had.
it is a leveraged situation, generally favoring.
it would appear that looting is a payback symptom attempt
which falsely addresses the central issues.
it is an environment of psychological warfare
with a superficial honesty pledged from the start.
every price is a conundrum to be consumer-accepted.
the profit equation is open country to the self as seller.
it is human interactional warfare,
waged under the presumption of supply and demand.
it is further a false entitlement concept
in which humans disgrace the planet,
for the sake of this self-versus-self game.
we build, we excavate, we tear down,
we war, we exploit, we mine, we quarry,
we cut down, we extract, we dangerously experiment,
we guile, we cunningly for the sake of profit,
we deceitfully account, and therefore
we small-mindedly profit.
we, as in the species, we,
supposedly satisfy with triumphs for survival.
as in human outsmarting human ploy.
the scope of this moment is myopically more important 
than the big picture, in a planetary way.
think is immediately pressed into momentary action.
dream is too long to wait, for that which is not.
believe is, as if a justification there for
and mull has overtones fit for recovery from loss.
the system appears to be rigged and therefore,
when you can, get yours.
we speed up on yellow lights.
we hunker-down for sale events
as in black-Fridays, world-wide versions do apply.
we have friends as if we are fighting a common enemy.
we can’t have species concerns
because the in-fighting is too problematic and prominent.
the news uses the rhetoric of mayhem to project.
most information is laced with impotence to respond,
either out of scale, out of range or outright impossible
to feature oneself as a self of action in such circumstance.
capitalism can never be hunkered down at the campfire,
can never be the heartfelt comingled as if shared,
never be the joy of free-movement,
the unbridledness of simple play,
or the true source of enthusiasm.
capitalism is the invention of unnecessary maze-works
based on a false premise that starts with fear.
capitalism is loveless and venturesome
as it starts with small and eventually ends with small,
as if a few rich people run the appearances of the world,
keeping all others in the lockdown of their concepts.
capitalism is heartless and therefore doomed
to just reside
until the heart-brain becomes commonly
the method and the means
for human consciousness to advance,
into species-wise and planetary benefitted . . .


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

kindness (haiku) 8/30/17

kindness as mindful
it is not a strategy

should come from the heart

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

know that but have needs 8/29/17

know that;
origins are ever revealing for the reveling
judgments have no valid life as posers.
visionary is my art-form, ever unfolding.
am a poker player with exceptional mirrors,
don’t care for the cards
but I attend to how they were held,
reflected back into the faces of others.
will take the pulse of another at thirty paces
through their enunciations,
have binoculars attuned to their say.
know that ordering from the menu of life
only provides more questions.
my mind has hammers, chisels, saws,
knives, clamps, glues and lacquers.
my heart has visioning, deep breathing,
evocative touch, primal as liquids that matter,
and empathic embraces that cannot be mentally justify.
simplicity is my mindful notion of a feeling state.
chaos comforts me with authenticity.
and know that which draws me, essentially drives me.

and as for needs:
need to be in love
with the Rosetta stone of others.
to be brought into frame, where focus drives me.
to have love to writhe the truth out of me.   
to use my mind as handrails for emotional challenges.  
to wish for my sexuality to be free spirited.
need for sensuality to be truth telling.
forever in need of primal,
unfolding yet undisclosed.
to wish for soma to be forthcoming.
for presence and conveyance to meet at my heart
and the need to not have left anything untouched . . .  

Monday, August 28, 2017

old soul 8/28/17

old soul, deep into the light
give up your gender bias
your mental governess of order
see the witness of yourself take you up
no need for layering of kindness
or verbal declarations of caring
be that environment of expansion
that others may sense of themselves
your strength sanctions their strength
your presence feels them their own
channel your giftedness as secretive but wily
there is spiritual humor in connectivity
transfixed in shimmering stillness
old soul, deep light . . .

Sunday, August 27, 2017

if you died 8/27/17

if you died, what then, could be said;
(feel for what is home) . . .
extremely gifted with integrated mental efficiency.
harassed by egoic statures to bare,
quite tied to efforts and then frustrations.
contextually rich with a facile mindfulness.
penetrative inspiration as an emotional cornerstone.
esthetically directed,
deeply discerned and emotionally demanded.
but of course, there was always karma also in the works.
visionary without social reward or favorable commentary.
emotional tied to the material,
while mind is ethereal and abstract to the cause.
an elitist status to being self-involved as if in a crusade.
clear thinking often surrendered to merit and defend.
mind sought devotedness, and higher cause.
doing good of social worth was a struggle.
the reach for vision was deep while reality was shallow.
any failure felt, so self-personalized.
if the deep truth be told, guilt should not exist.
society’s approval was not in the cards as motivation.
karma featured lessons of getting out of one’s own way.
emotional glitches were numbing and disturbing
as the emotional high road did not provide for the payback.
virtues did not exist
as offerings in trying to emotionally prove worth.
before there was ever guilt,
there was emotional purity of heart.
linear thinking, as popular as it is,
provided no deeper service or worth.
there was radiance of being sent for the clearest of vision.     
money only presented more calculations of material means.
ideology came with clarity from the void.
access to that source within,
personal evolution was dependent upon its usage.
was a spark of vision,
a mirror to all souls,
a draw to the light.
in mind’s eye,
we were all unconscious quantum players.
as to the heart of the matter,
we knew, what then could be said,
for we are all from the one . . .