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Thursday, April 30, 2015

feel for the road (haiku) 4/30/15

what front tires report
back tires usually repeat
except for road kill

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Journey to the goal 4/29/15

When the journey of desire with wingspan, updrafts, yields elevated views, this embraces the goal, the holy grail of sincere myopic grace, as this discovery is really that of the manifest from the search. When the seeker, like this, is embraced, the polarity of a “from here to there” collapses.
The reveal is, that the journey was never exterior to the cause, that the essence was always unrealized but present yet not soul self fulfilled. That which is flesh as the means of trickledown, is now pronouncing as this is ignition displayed. All of this is lending itself to a full spectrum of light, humanized in the pronouncement. Breath becomes audience. Cells dance into a high volume flashflood river of this surging consciousness as light. The body, as reservoir from pools of passivity, ignites. There is an ether fire with full field presence coming on as display. Vision takes a wider in depth stance for this intake. What could have been a field of self-watchers is transfigured. What could have been audience of full attention is set free. White doves of innocence fly up into the sip-sky of holy milk, that drips diamonds of timelessness on anyone with eyes ascended and yet still withholding. This is the sacred sweat from heart working soul. There is no audience. All is taken up as channeled worlds that have come together from there listless loss of vision. Desire as a bowl, became the liquid of the drink. The goal once sipped, became the swallow of towards the whole. Bliss is aftermath. Event is molten, cooling. Experience is triviality picking up the pieces
it can recognize. The journey map is shredded into further nesting material for another desire to hatch from within and take flight. There are no contradictions, only aftermath seeking light. Desire is as a tool of flint, struck against the steel of now. It will produce the sparks of lighted breadcrumbs for this journey. Heart to soul, this is the tip of their tongues touching, and all is one . . .

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

betraying oneself (haiku) 4/28/15

betraying oneself?
if always in character,

then the deed is done

Monday, April 27, 2015

Dare Not Shy 4/27/15

She reaches down my throat, grabs whatever speech was coming, so that I feel an in-womb connection for her. Reminds me of memories of my first kitten as singular moments of trust amidst all this immediate nervousness. There is an abounding cathedral around me, and a simple tone from within it, that its knowing is what frightens me. Where my daydreams are now fearful to acknowledge her penetrative presence, I will risk a look her way. She grabs my glance with her eyes. I pull away is evidence of how apprehensive I feel. She will use this against me as I wait for the onslaught to overwhelm me. She will rip out the tongue of my platitudes. I can't risk another glance without the possibility of open wounds. I put my palms towards her fire as a gesture of curiosity. Movement from my body is ever subtly shaking to hold itself still. I am lying in a tub of simple feelings, hoping this will eventually cleanse my nerves. I stand up to reach my hands towards hers, sending my eyes as seconds, but she is gone. I am a fool to think she ever was. My phantom tongueless state is my only memory, yet I feel fatigue, the aftereffects of adrenalin, displaced by this psuedo world of daydreams that informed me. But I am closer to I dare not shy, even if it was a daydream with only my inner consequence. She was real to me. There will be others. Soon I will have my legs under me, and some day, my wings, and the lucid breeze from her within me and then there will be others to sky me. . .

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Before beyond 4/26/15

Before beyond

By your immediate sympathy,
you feed me the emotional shrapnel
of your visual wonderment and dismay.
By this gaze in return,
I receive, you’re adorning perplexity.
I have seen the past, both before and after,
what that was and now remains, is what it is.
I am not deeply bothered by this circumstance
of my appearance as my composure is steadfast.
Nothing has altered the steadiness
of my inward intention thus my outward gaze.
I may appear to be broken down
but I have blessedly broken through.
What simple joy there is in living
is not altered or destroyed.
My gift to you is from beyond
what you see as catastrophe.
Look past your reaction and judgment.
Look at where you have impulsively resided
to have not initially seen
my beauty, expressed from within.
I am undampened and unhampered
by the christening of these circumstances.
Each is a stepping stone
towards deeper inner beauty, undistracted.
Fate feeds me,
but desire is not the toast I share with you.
I see all and though all of these shortcomings.
Meet me where we are one beyond declarations.
I stand in your soul
and look out at my reflection of you,
light given to light,
is where we all become one . . .

Saturday, April 25, 2015

a hot head (haiku) 4/25/15

he’s such a hot head
there’s no build up of ear wax.
what was he saying?