Before beyond
By your immediate sympathy,
you feed me the emotional shrapnel
of your visual wonderment and dismay.
By this gaze in return,
I receive, you’re adorning perplexity.
I have seen the past, both before and after,
what that was and now remains, is what it is.
I am not deeply bothered by this circumstance
of my appearance as my composure is steadfast.
Nothing has altered the steadiness
of my inward intention thus my outward gaze.
I may appear to be broken down
but I have blessedly broken through.
What simple joy there is in living
is not altered or destroyed.
My gift to you is from beyond
what you see as catastrophe.
Look past your reaction and judgment.
Look at where you have impulsively resided
to have not initially seen
my beauty, expressed from within.
I am undampened and unhampered
by the christening of these circumstances.
Each is a stepping stone
towards deeper inner beauty, undistracted.
Fate feeds me,
but desire is not the toast I share with you.
I see all and though all of these shortcomings.
Meet me where we are one beyond declarations.
I stand in your soul
and look out at my reflection of you,
light given to light,
is where we all become one . . .