I have asked the universe to slap me,
well slap me hard, hard enough to get my attention,
every time I have an expectation that isn’t met.
And then I pleaded with the universe
to give me an indelible gold star
every time
I have an expectation that is met.
And what I discovered over time,
well slowly over time, since I seemed to be
very distracted from what I apparently
whimsically asked for
and the universe reluctantly provided,
was a twofold message that became perfectly,
well startling clear.
The first part is that I discovered
that I
am an expectation addict.
I thought all along that I had
a sense of myself, my true self.
But what I have come to understand is,
that I may have had a sense of self
but that got somewhat secretly replaced
by my expectant self.
I would have a thought and then
my expectant self would have an expectation
to top or trump that thought.
It has become an expectant-self piggyback paradise.
There is hardly a clear thought that comes
without some expectation dimension in a reframe.
Nothing is really here any more.
It is always on its way to somewhere else
for some other thing
to happen with it or to it as me!
I feel like a pizza delivery guy inside my head.
Whatever the thought is/was,
I’m taking it to some place else, pronto.
I am living the internal rush, as an act out
hurrying along from whatever now I’m in.
I’m not really here as I am always in transit.
The paint on the wagon of self never really dries
and the wagon never stops moving
and I am not driving but riding shotgun!
Also I have become self-consciously,
fearful anticipation junkie
in reaction to my initial reaction.
Enough said, if you’ve been there.
Okay, for the second part, I have become
an internal hoarder of gold stars.
Yes, it was initially nice
to get indelible gold stars
on a somewhat regular basis.
I appreciated all of it, in the beginning.
It was like a level of positive reinforcement
that I really liked
which is a kind of hidden clue right there.
I mean I genuinely liked it, to start.
But then, as the stars begun to accumulate,
I started
to notice, the inscriptions,
I mean the what-for expectancies
that I was getting from the stars.
There were lots of repeats.
Patterns appeared,
incessancy seemed to be in play.
After enough of this, a story emerged.
A story that was my expectant me that was
directing this expectation syndrome,
and it all, ever so slowly, has become
Not real in the world to any one else
but evident to me by the trail of expectation crumbs
that I witness, created, and have followed.
More than a meal but not really very nourishing.
At some point, I had some many many stars
that I had to come up with a system for storage.
Sure memory
was one place
but that lead to another problem.
Because of the repeats,
I was then constantly reminded
of the themes in general and also the particulars
of these gold expectation star as incidents.
Privately, it became
personally embarrassing.
It seemed like I was an endless car wash of neediness.
It was
like I had no true sense of myself
that was not reinforced by others
meeting my
superficial expectations ongoing.
It was like we each had a contract with each other
to meet each other’s expectations
but in my case, I secretly kept getting gold
for each instance.
The apparent dependency on others
for this silly positive reinforcement
became a realization and a
It reminded me of when you repeat a phrase
over and over, so much so
that it has no meaning any more.
It is just senseless babble.
But I still have to deal
with the gold stars as indelible
and thus storage and that realization.
I am not myself any more.
I am a custodian who works for my
expectant self-24/7.
You’d think I could get fired or quit, but no.
Expectations are
like a human currency
that we constantly exchange.
It is a case of bad fairy godmother
to compensate for
low self worth that have gone horrible wrong.
First the star thing made me sick,
then the gold made me sicker,
then the glitter made me the sickest.
If I see another expectation, it
will be too soon.
NO, I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.
Look, I have self worth, but I have little time now
outside of expectancies
and custodials.
I am going to have to secretly move
to some other source point
awareness universe
where expectations are not the norm
or the primary means of consciousness.
Expectations, they’re everywhere.
Have to live with them
but certain to find a deeper self-wealth
to not live by them . . .