I ask,
what is the quantum dimension
of brain function?
Not that which produces exact replicas
by symbolic representation
of the world around
but is otherwise of itself,
active and ongoing
in the most direct ways of immersion
beyond timeline processes.
The brain channels itself
as well as providing
conscious representation.
I am asking about
a brain, of its own say,
without beckoning
from outside influence.
A brain, in a quantum state,
maybe more like
dream state production
and then conscious awareness
but not out of necessity
to compensate for other outside input
or for input from other points in time.
The brain, in a quantum state
of running of itself
and an awareness of that,
as its own hum, made conscious.
The workings of this, as a presence
but not for an audience
of consciousness
waiting for results.
The ambiance of receivership is
in motion as if like bees in a hive
but with no intent
or search for the honey.
Just busyness, bustling in hum,
like a subdued night storm
in a distant sky
that only producing streaks of lightning
both direct and frontal as well as blurbs
of far away light
connecting from other parts
of this brain not readily accessible
to observable sensing.
That I would have it in time and space
is discovered as
my reductionistic illusion
and presumption, when in fact,
the brain in this receivership
is more than static in location
but somehow wired up
to other space and other time
by a means neither apparent
nor comprehendible straightforward.
I am use to only recognizing billboards
before me and not blurs or wisps,
or some sorts of electrical blushes
as part of the ongoing dance
that is not results oriented
as I have so come to expect.
Does water in a stream,
while in the flow of it,
commune about where it had been
with other water parts
who were from somewhere else
for then?
I cannot say I came to here prepared
to be audience
but I feel ill equipped to be
except for those kinds of skills
as my tools for being
and conditioned to be
aware of here at all.
I am putting words through my mouth
by some automatic convention of habit
but not sure for what I am saying.
But this search,
with what are my senses for now
is providing is somewhat
of a lucid dream state account.
I started by focusing on
what I assumed to be,
quote, ‘the brain”,
and am discovering, at best,
it is just a focal point
for a much vaster dimensional sense
than the physical mass would claim.
It is more like a transducer
of energetic means that intakes,
from a wide range of inputs,
even beyond what senses
would traditionally provide,
and somehow churns along
while we
as a constant conscious attendee,
receive byproducts
that we can comfortably handle
as thoughts styled into summaries
and judgments, and visions,
and context, and conclusions,
and as that which is understood.
So much beyond any of that is going on,
either below or beneath or behind
what we are comfortable embracing.
Can we carbon date familiarity
in the brain?
Do we ever have search tools
without the headlights provided by habit
or prior knowledge or sensory comfort
as engagement?
Why is my handshake of awareness
have to come from a knowing
for a confidence to occur?
I am here to investigate enormity
as enormity will embrace the brazenness
of a me to do so.
I wander as if soul was my grip
and innocence is my sight.
Here, I am meeting all my relatives,
gravity, space, light, cogitation, locality,
manifest and
inferences of beyond.
It seems that what I feel is
more immersed in all of this
than mind,
by my method of consciousness,
could be in exposure to embrace.
What was of me as a body of water
is now aware of the ocean
that I have misplaced
but has not misplaced me.
Humbled by the disconnect,
but the journey in all ways
is invisibly connected.
Words are harder here to say,
it takes so much away from being
to conjure, to have a here,
so boundaried by a sense of certitude
that is so shallow and over depicted.
I have nothing really to say
that you are not already a party to
within what and whom
you would call you.
In quantum, there are no names
to suffice for the oneness field
unified and always
in all ways
in the indiscernible now . . .