There are times
when everything seems so close
intimately so,
and yet as accomplices
somewhat very far away.
Times when my breath,
although close at hand,
is my best friend of insistence,
when my skin is a consensus public
voting on my behalf me
on issues that really hadn’t come
to my person’s attention,
when my bones moan
as if they live either
immediately upstairs or down stairs
and complain,
when my mind is like visiting
a subway station in rush hour,
and when excess salvia in my mouth
is concern for who last used it
and forgot to turn it off!
And they walk me around,
seems like senselessly at times.
I wake up to mid-sentence
and feel responsible to finish.
I can be laughing
and have no rhyme or reason
and certainly no excuse for that.
I can’t say I am sleepwalking
or ingested adventure, by any means.
Just rowing along,
noticed event after noticed event,
in an ocean of self in the moment,
and blam! I loose frame
or gain dimension
or become my invisible twin!
For then, most of quote, “reality”,
seems like
riding in a fast car and gazing out.
What I mean is,
that lots of reality for then
is like litter on the side of the road
in potential blur
if I don’t really focus in on it
and otherwise,
there is everything in the car, steady
and intimately in locality agreement
even though not existing as me
but right next to me,
if you get my drift.
I mean,
even my body is only right next to me
but we are speeding along together,
it seems.
I can’t really have a dialogue
with myself about this,
because the bubble bursts
and I am back to being me
with all this paraphernalia
of manifest self
and no capacity for slippage back out!
Control is not a usable technique.
I can’t force this to happen.
Obviously there is some incantation
or secret code that I do
that gets me there but I not know.
“Bugga, bugga”, I don’t know.
It’s like a kind of intimacy
that my real senses
are not prepared to go there.
Some translation on my part allows
for a sense of things to seem okay
but all too slippery
for experiential demonstration.
No, commanding it to occur
seems unlikely.
I am surely thinking
this happens to more people
then just me
but I haven’t met that way yet!
I mean, what are the odds?
And furthermore,
what do we do if we did?
Well better than that is,
if we did,
would we ever want to go back?
Hope to see ya there
and see what we do
for then . . .