Of course,
there is no such thing
. . . . as chaos.
Chaos is a subjective referential term
that reflects not only the view
of the observer,
but their depiction
of what they are holding in frame.
Chaos, as a term of agreement,
requires that you place yourself
into this view in summary agreement
with what is already stated
as the relevant view.
This also means that you
have to see it as such also.
Which, initially may seem
appropriate and correct.
It is sort of like the term noise
in that there is a subjective view
and the work
gone into the interpretation
of that view surmises that
this is noise or really
an undetermined source
for the sound’s cause,
as to what that cause actually is
and how it is doing that sounding
that is left unsolved.
Chaos is much the same.
What it is, how it is what it is,
and how did it get to be that
by the rules of its nature
to appear as such
are left unresolved
but a conclusion is made
for your consigned agreement.
Expectations can be happy with
either term, chaos or noise,
because they are
conclusive and dismissive,
without much further effort of need
for a shift of perspective.
It’s chaos! Who cares beyond that?
Deductions aside,
once something has been named,
it is somewhat impotent
to keep it in a curious view.
Well maybe the extent of it,
or how one is to react to it,
chaos or noise, is now a bother
of insistence to be avoided.
For example, I have a view,
I have a summary name
for that view,
and I am done with that
as interesting
beyond that account.
To me, this is not
making peace with chaos,
in particular.
Sound, I am more amused
but less drawn to source.
People in chaos,
is so openly rewarding.
A call to arms,
to bring a different set
of eyes and ears
and hands and source,
for efforts to the contrary
of just minutes before.
I can be taken up from within
and not know the me
who is in gear and directing me.
It is a chicken soup remedy
for all of emotionality,
a whiff of something sharp
under my desensitized nose,
a stretch of heart and mind,
the appearance of override
and a chiseled focus that otherwise
has limited life and opportunity.
Why do I have to have act out
as my permission slip
to be at home
in the midst of all of this,
when at the core of all of this
within me, is a serenity
coming forth worth living
and dying for.
Can’t I just deeply admit
to being and know that
and know love
in the same breath?
Making peace with chaos is
as if it is a greeting card
inviting you
into the rest of your life
as a human being
and allowing yourself
the pleasure of loving it
no matter what form
it expresses
or expresses it . . .