when faced with false facts
resistance is insistence
for some deeper truthsresistance is insistence
for some deeper truthsTake thought beyond
what results
recognition gives you.
Do not perceive
from the exhaust of thought.
Go forward,
penetrate beyond
the brain engine room’s
firing of thought.
Go before the vapor mix
and the production
of image emissions,
go towards the projection room
of thought.
Go to the cutting edge
of the initial eminence of thought.
Go to the precise hair splitting
first molecules
of electrical inclinations
towards the constructive initiation
of thought.
Get in front of the first sense
of electrical impulse embraced
towards that firing
that would yield a thought.
Go to an occupancy
of sentient space within you,
where this firing
would occur.
Go to the very elementals
of thought’s induction.
Go to the very phantom
seed essence
of that manifest
of the precipitousness for thought.
Go to that part of thought
so fundamental
that all of us,
rather all of thought in us,
is shared from this essentialness,
as foundation of consciousness,
as permission of being conscious,
as the grandeur
of source emanations.
Go to the causal-ness
of this issuance
where thought will rise.
Go there,
and from right there
right now,
take a deep thought . . .
Every action that I do
to another,
out of a place
of hardness and cruelty
affecting another,
is only a reflection
of a self-administered pain.
It is an act of blind cruelty
also unto myself,
being reinforced unconsciously
upon myself,
creating the stones
that crush myself
into my own deepened
un-sharable isolation,
into a deeper self-inflicted
permanence of darkness.
And as for the others,
who are receivers of my actions,
from these actions,
I have even less real feel for them,
less opportunity for grace
from them,
less intimacy
of a shared consciousness,
less togetherness
of our love in a conscious way.
Yet the spirit connection
as a dynamic,
is not weaken with that being.
Only the torment persists
of not being able
to consciously share in the light.
Appearing as an everlasting curse,
to be that remote
from ones so dynamically dear,
to be that far removed
from beings
so essentially in oneness,
and to eventually realize
that it is within myself
and that I have brought this
all upon me.
Only the divinity of myself,
surrendered and re-received,
will set me free,
and only the witness of all,
who are the dynamics
to my cause,
have to be in audience
and me for them,
for me to arrive again,
as whole and as one.
One with all I have damned,
all I have discouraged
and deceived,
all I have distanced
by my unconscious acts.
They are my oneness,
my soul revival,
for this hollowness to be filled,
for this wholeness to be fulfilled.
(a suggestion is that
between each question,
take some time
to fully immerse/image
what is being asked,
for in depth enjoyment
before reading on.)
So then, to further ask,
how dark as if by shading,
from whence does
a darkness appear?
What internal sensitivity is evoked
to call it a darkness?
Is this sense of darkness
coming to you, by whelm,
or by a mood?
Is this sense of darkness
but yet, a featureless frame,
more occupancy as background,
nothing as stage front?
Is darkness reflective,
always as in response?
Or is darkness a projection,
working towards a resemblance?
What is this thing
in the mind
that lives as darkness?
Does darkness exist
and mutely not ever look back?
Does darkness ever really have
its own say?
Is there,
any essential character
to darkness when it is involved?
Or is darkness only taken to be,
a messenger,
an appraisal,
a judgment,
or a decree?
Is darkness the black hole
of all metaphors,
but yet unrealized?
Is darkness possibly majestic
by inference,
perhaps powerful
by being comprehensively unseen?
Is darkness a seizure
that we have given a name?
Or is darkness just like all words
as the props of persistent rumors,
nurturing reputations that do not die
and investments in self-expression
that live by their utility
in name only?
And lastly,
does darkness ever call out . . .
for more of itself?
(a suggestion is that
between each question,
take some time
to fully immerse/image
what is being asked
for in depth enjoyment
before reading on.)
Is darkness the lioness,
breathing hard after the chase
but before the kill is complete?
Is darkness a tall, looming large,
in an overshadowing way?
Is darkness our excuse
for literacy disguised as block print?
Is darkness another kind of logic
as our unclaimed part of the brain,
our reasoning for miracles,
our distance from genius,
our justifications,
for religion and war?
Is darkness a soul's smile
coming towards us
but yet fully unseen?
Is darkness any dimension
that has not succumb
to familiarity's greed?
Is darkness
the Stations of the Cross
as our inabilities towards change?
Is darkness like
the surround
of a lit flashlight spot
as what we use as frame?
Is darkness a self imposed leash
as leathery appointments
to keep us close
to apprehensions’ claims?
Is darkness
a pliable emotional means
for irrational oppositions
to almost anything?
Is darkness a state
of untapped refinement,
say, a rough cut of doom
until diamond is disclosure?
Is darkness a wardrobe
of the unknowables,
dancing in drag?
Is darkness the mother lode
of all futures withheld?
Is darkness the stage mother
behind the child prodigy
called “experiences' ”
ever ascent through life?
Is darkness a ground-figure solution
not yet surfaced-smoothed into mirror?
Is darkness a vacated place
of being,
not yet realized as whole?
Is darkness a unit
of evolutionary gain or loss?
Is darkness a cast,
like a spell?
Is darkness a permission
for any ritual’s formidability?
Is darkness an authorization
for any rebuke’s thoroughness?
Is darkness a sense,
like self-consciousness,
with a negation claim upon it,
based on unclear intent?
And lastly,
is darkness a state of mind,
as a set of skills,
a way of being,
maybe a location
and yet, in all ways,
part of our personal journey?
One who keeps time,
dies first.
Our dualities style
is our perpetual motion machine.
Negative Zen,
(knowing what we don’t want)
as our mono-diet,
has no manners or utensils
beyond the trough for theory
and the consumption of nothing.
We are mistakenly
and repeatedly
the incident of perfection.
Upon the miracle
of our memory,
we record in the present
to recall as the past
to anticipate the future
with much expectation.
Time has embarrassed us
but also embraced us
with this temporal space
for naming it
and the sequential method
for then, remembering
and all of the consequences
we live into that follow.
But it is we,
who keep ourselves
in this a time bind,
who then,
die first . . .
It all starts with familiarity.
Things that use to have names to me
but now have
full blown functions in my life.
That process speeds up the doing.
It is all quasi declared
as identified to me.
I have skills with this
in mundane ways.
My entire life is methods for relating.
And so I start from there
going somewhere in thought.
It is a internal process
that I take up with.
It is slippery to think about that much,
as if I was watching myself do it.
It was nowhere and now it is here.
It comes out of the ethers to be sure.
I have done it,
shit, we all have done it
every day of our lives.
It’s how next things come.
It’s a doing
as these things come up.
It’s stuff to do and get attached to.
That’s what I first notice.
It’s the fill of most activity.
It’s a curiosity towards involvement,
a time spent, the fill of my story,
some inklings of attachment,
some habits of repeatable success,
a consensual of culture,
my m.o. and current predicament.
It’s slippery to notice
in any other ways.
It is a do and then a done,
an outfitting of it, experientially
towards memories
in much the same way as desires
or dreams remembered are.
There is an investment,
like an effort into saga,
now a sense of attachment,
a savvy of how to participate,
involvement into meaningful
and then possibly a necessity
to happen again and again.
Remember what I am saying to you,
is all fluid,
but without much awareness
as thought.
It exists as a given for now.
Hardly even a deconstruct
would reveal it.
There are difficult edges
to grasp it in any other way.
It is confounding unto itself.
How to entertain it
as a different point of view?
To yield a conscious inner dialogue
with possible language
to share with another,
not obvious or easy.
The more astute the awareness,
the less likely
words will come forth
to pronounce it.
It takes me away
and it does not come when called.
Whatever the medium
of this as process,
it does have an ongoing momentum,
but it is not apparent.
If dreams and desires were taken on
in much the same way,
as if like a wardrobe to be worn
for that period of time,
soon they would lead to the question,
who of me, is wearing them?
What is this fashion of my mind?
And how did this all take place
within me,
unobstructed and almost unobserved?
For me, I can’t put so much attention
into this question
so as the part of me to answer
has gone into a fade.
It is a delicate expansion
and then a balance.
Most of the normal tools of experience
are too gross or don’t really apply.
It is maybe a lot like fishing,
in that in that situation,
I have to be the fisherman, the boat,
the lake, the water and the fish,
sort of all at the same time
while giving credence to pole,
line, hook and worm,
yet doing it all together.
Somehow it is all in there,
I mean in me, like in you,
but it is not like normal living.
It is not like me just doing stuff.
It is somehow inside of normal stuff.
It is more like me doing and being
at the same time
and becoming aware of that
without messing up
the evidential process
as I know it to be.
It is richly revealing
and yet ongoing mysterious
in a self-secret sort of way.
And I go
where it takes me.
our parallel lives
what could’ve and what should’ve
haunting from what did
Every night, I dream.
And in my dreams,
I put my intentions
into the bottle of my being.
And I toss it
into the ocean of life.
Every day,
I go out into that ocean,
hoping to find
that bottle,
floating towards me.
So then, I might know
what I was meant to be . . .
I come from a culture
that cannot rape.
We cannot know of ourselves
in those isolated ways.
We cannot desire from another
what we do not already possess.
We cannot stray so far
as to look back.
Sexuality of thought,
feelings or gesture
only exist as celebrative.
No act of consciousness
can be done in vain.
We are in deference beyond motive.
We cannot deceive
the collective of our self.
We cannot shock one another
with actions.
We are indifferent to results.
We have no philosophy
nor psychology.
We have the livingness
of a subtle physics
as it would appear to understand.
Even though understanding is,
as if to sit in the bleachers
and cheer for outcomes
and positions of judgment
and demonstrative results.
This is as if the world of symbols
would yield authentic representation
of our souls.
No one is gifted with approval
that would steal them from self-love.
We, as individuals,
are not the measure from others.
Unique is not a comparison.
We have no system of justification,
no behavioral alliances
of reinforcement,
no bed checks or quotas.
No one takes to the mind of analysis
to declare a sense of worth.
Nouns are never written in ink
and verbs never stay on the page.
Spoken language
has enormous worth
as intonement.
We are with you and of you
between your words
and before meaning leads to tears
at our sharing from core.
Where the world has suffering,
we have the sweetness of suffering
as a gate,
offering a deeper sense
of spirit as carriage forth.
When one dies,
the collective spirit
is inwardly enhanced.
If joy comes,
it is reflective from within.
Our heroes are
before thought occurs.
We do not have hope
as if it were fresh cut flowers,
promising a bountiful garden
of futures.
Touch redefines our notions of space.
We do not have faith
as if it were a photo i.d.,
promising that life will meet
our expectation and memories
because we are sincere
and caring members
of the human race.
We live in each other
as our wisdom.
Terms like annoyance
and bothersome
do not apply.
Everyone's actions
speak for the whole.
Our love
is before feelings concur.
I cannot hold you
nor you me.
Sacred is the means of breath.
Light is the medium of being.
We have never been
that separate,
even by the displays
of space, mass, or time . . .