Experience is
essentially outcome.
Experience is
mostly sensory input
harnessed into
apparently fluid passages
but in nanosecond terms,
the imminent and prominent
recent past.
Experiential accountability
is top heavy
towards contextually
symbolic storylines.
This is reality as tidbits
that are
simultaneously concurrent
with being.
So much of being is not
superficially representational
as feedback.
So much of the fullness
of now
is also not acknowledged
as relevant.
The impress of repetition
that fundamentally occurs
at very deep levels
as the basis of oneness
is un-objectifiable.
The constancy
of this ordered chaos
is a oneness
without symbolic intervention.
Essence is non-reducible
to material or fact
in a casual stasis referral way.
Whatever the vehicles
for the mind
as artifacts of experience,
all are temporal
from within.
The reductionism
towards physicality
and temporality
as representational
is a current myth-form
of identification and recognition.
It only serves as a methodology
of self-atrophy
into a deeper mindfulness
of surrender being manifest
as consciousness.
There is always the duality
of the being
presenting a consciousness
and the doing
demonstrating action.
That we are
a subdued self-consciousness
laboring as limited
personal radiance of being
is an observational conveyance
limited by
experientially operative styles.
Experience as frame
seems to impose the fetish
of foreground symbol prominence
and the addiction of audience
upon us all.
We invest in reaction
and response.
We give stature to identification
as our primary means
yet we create
a mental equivalent version
within us
to appear and feel like
we are in control.
The most current
and popular forms of experience
are actually examples
of experiences
with training wheels
on life’s journey.
This is
a minimum lift/maximum drag,
walking upstream against resistance
form of an experience style.
It features
a consensual reductionism
as an optimal lifestyle
in a fright deliverance model
for living.
Experience is both a provider
and an enabler
but most of all,
experience is only first outcome . . .