all confrontations
are left handed compliments
Pardon my entry
into your awareness.
My innocent ploy is
your voluntary interest.
Yes your focus is my need.
So . . . here we are
and I have your attention.
Well, maybe I am just reaching.
I have made some assumptions
about what we share.
I thought you were
as bored as I.
I mean
this pretending to be separate
and then freshly meeting up anew.
I vibed you many times from afar.
I assumed that you did like wise also.
This does not feel like
meeting at square one
you know!
So what are we to do?
For my part,
whatever is fine by me.
I am just struggling with
the way we do who we are.
No, not just you and me
but people in general.
What is this means
we use to give appearances?
This way we stand apart
and then meet as if anew.
All this language and posturing
and then the story as fill.
At one level this all really seems
very odd to me,
and yet overly habitual
in all those other familiar ways.
It is like
let’s agree
to go unconscious together.
I won’t rain on your stagnation
and you don’t rain on mine.
This is our collusion of sorts
but supposedly not intentional.
It is weird how much we do this
and not notice enough to care.
It bugs me in a restless sort of way.
I mean it gets in the way of being,
most all of the time.
Not that I know for sure
what else there is to do.
But it is so blatantly vacant
and nothing really happens.
I guess it’s like
we lack something playful inside.
I feel mischievous
and do not know
what that really means.
It’s not like practical jokes
or punking someone.
No, its not like we need to act crazy
or get wasted on something.
It is more like I know you
but don’t know how I know.
I feel you
as if we had walkie-talkies
on our inner dialogue.
It’s fun that way
and there are others
much the same.
But nothing ever happens.
no response, no play.
So what do you say?
This awareness stuff,
is this all that strange to you
or what?
I want to live my next life backwards!
You start out dead
and get that out of the way
right off the bat.
Then, you wake up
in a nursing home
feeling better every day.
When you are kicked out
of the home
for being too healthy,
you spend several
years enjoying your retirement
and collecting benefit checks.
When you start work,
you get a gold watch
on your first day.
You work 40 years or so,
younger every day
until pretty soon
you're too young to work.
So then, you go to high school:
play sports, date, drink, and party.
As you get even younger,
you become a kid again.
You go to elementary school,
play, and have no responsibilities.
In a few years,
you become a baby
and everyone runs themselves ragged
keeping you happy.
You spend your last 9 months
floating peacefully in luxury,
spa-like conditions: central heating,
room service on tap.
Until finally...
You finish off as an orgasm.
I rest my case.
I want to live my life backward!
(The eventful seduction
without actual consequence,
go figure!)
Okay start out dead
and come to, luckily,
(as opposed to cremation),
in a dark small space
buried six feet under.
No one can hear nor care.
You use all the energy you can muster
to claw, scratch and dig you way
out of your claustrophobic situation
with limited air,
eating dirt along the way
making room for yourself
in passage!
You have arrived
with no one to believe you.
It is even worse
than identify theft!
Now you have to face those
who have inherited from your passage
and you have scared the hell
out of the rest
by your unbelievable presence.
You have no insurance
or way of claiming
your situation to be real.
It is only the freakishness
of your situation
that keeps you alive
by the curious and the estranged,
who associate with you
as some demonic messenger
for what comes out of your mouth
to explain yourself.
The nursing home wants details
on your financial situation
which you cannot any more provide.
How you get healthier
is from sympathetic souls
and dumpsters.
Your, quote ‘retirement’,
has to be a life of crime
since there is no way for you
to receive or cash any benefit checks
that have your phony name on them.
You work without a green card
and scrap a living out of cash income
on a daily basis
and of course,
pawned that stupid gold watch!
After 40 years of de-toxing
and believing that you are an immortal,
you become unable
to maintain your appearances.
'Youthful' feels like an emaciation
that you think no one
wants to tell you about,
like a kind of shrinkage/cancer,
that no one seems to have heard about
before now.
You invent personas
that go with your new looks
and prey upon others in ways
that you feel could get you arrested
if ever discovered.
You feel profoundly guilty
and deeply sick inside
but no one seems to realize how
depraved you have become.
Your life now is as a vampire
with diminishing skills.
You hide out in schools
getting shyer by the day
and more fearful of discovery
by the night.
You listlessly play yourself
into deeper boredom and dismay.
You stealthy substitute yourself
into families as a runaway child,
hoping that no one will ever really know
and that that child does not return!
Every phone call or knock at the door
threatens you to the very core
of your being.
Anxiety represents your decay.
Eventually after a masquerade
of family settings,
you realize your only option is hospitals,
large hospitals with big birth wards.
Any stray crib will do!
It will take a real miracle
for you to double up as
an unborn twin,
crowning and reluctant to come out.
There is no way you will get nine months
of safety and passage.
Embarrassment and a c-section
will force you out.
Your dream of closure
with orgasm as completion
will end with a gasp
and at best, your death is
by some crib syndrome in discovery.
And once again,
if your are lucky enough,
a no ash circumstance,
which you should humbly accept
since this time around,
you do not have the where with all
to stupidly dig yourself back into life.
My advice is that you should have gone
for the reincarnation in the first place,
committed your memories to a new brain
and played through in a normal fashion
and blessedly not said a word
to anyone about who, where, when or how,
and just smiled,
an old soul sort of smile
and proceeded!
Care to? . . .
in the presence of understanding
that seems to exude self-assuredness.
It is as if understanding
makes one safe
from all the liabilities
of presumed ignorance.
It is as if referential knowing
has at its disposal
some sort of leverage
that immunes one
from the aftereffects
of what “predominate” understanding
has become
as the consuming attention savior
of the now.
How did this happen?
It seems over the course
of the last few decades,
understanding has become
an implied form
of a socially acceptable means
called ‘distancing’.
Understanding implies
nothing of action or response,
just the potential to appear
to objectively intercede or interact
with the world around.
Understanding has an assumed handle
on temporality’s siege.
Understanding permits a self-exclusion
from these subjective domains
of influence
that would otherwise put one at affect.
Understanding is more than
just a knowledgeable status.
Understanding implies also
the workings of a situation,
and an operational capacity
to be functional in that setting
but deemed with restraint.
Understanding has become
a method of absentia.
Understanding infers
a world of avoidance.
It is better to understand
where not to be
and what not to do.
Seek the world of predictability
and learn to effectively control it.
It may even discreetly pronounce
be “street smart”
versus be “college educated”
as these two distinct methods
of understanding
thematically dominate
the controlling of now. . . .
. . . Can you really ask yourself something like . . .
the right twenty questions?
(part 2 of 2)
11. ) are your habits such that you can’t be bothered with a reassessment that would really alter anything about you?
12. ) do you have aspects of a marvelous temple and treat it as urinal so that when criticism comes you abound and when compliments come you abate?
13. ) ironically when you dress well yet do you look into the un-kept around to see if there is a brighter soul than yours?
14. ) would you comprehend the spoof of the drama of your life and yet continue to compel yourself into creating it?
15. ) if lessons come that require discipline
would you feign the connection to accept as tedium what would follow?
16. ) do you ever get bored with your own self doubt as a your primary search method for self worth?
17. ) is it within you that struggle is good
but chaos is justifiably better?
18. ) when you are deeply honest
does it ever seem that the truth is of you?
19. ) are new people the salt lick of your life lessons at a safe enough distance to not take the lesson personally?
20. ) would you hide your deepest issues in the opposing gender to indirectly challenge your own self-critical view of them?
just asking . . .
. . . Can you really ask yourself something like . . .
the right twenty questions?
(part 1 of 2)
1. ) do you want that unbearably negative inner voice to be drown out by your preoccupations with positive conversations?
2. ) do you want the intimate attention you pay to others to be at the expense of an inner distance from your authentic self?
3. ) do you want your busyness to falsely
project your warmth towards others over the hidden anger you carry inside?
4. ) do you want your care and love to be given
in such a one-way exchange from you to others that they involuntarily validate your private isolation from anyone?
5. ) do you want your life to simply go on
without interruption from the subtlety of a higher cause?
6. ) do you want to believe that there are no easy answers to the difficult questions that asks for life through you?
7. ) would you like to believe that the only legitimate wisdom in your life has come to you ineptly from strangers?
8. ) would you like auspiciousness to suddenly appear for you without any resistance interpreted as inadvertent dumb luck?
9. ) would you like to be taken to a higher plain from the false sense of responsibility you would feel towards caring for others?
10. ) if growth were a given, would you have then chosen the right path to have perpetuated self-exile as your predicament?
Just asking . . .